Common Core 1st Grade Songs and Videos COMPLETE Set
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These 38 downloadable songs and matching videos teach EVERY SINGLE Common Core first grade math standard!! Some of these songs were used in a 2009 study of 286 students. The researcher found that the songs decrease anxiety, increase motivation, and increase mathematics achievement (Kokobas, 2009; see reference below). I'd love to be able to make a difference in your classroom with them!
You will get:
1. A pdf file containing lyrics to all songs. I recommend printing packets for your class and sometimes encouraging children to read instead of watching videos. Children can also read lyrics whole-class, in small groups, with partners, and independently.
2. Vimeo Links: Click on titles in the Table of Contents or on lyric pages to access Vimeo sites. From Vimeo, you'll be able to stream AND download all videos (for classroom use only).
3. Mp3 music only versions of ALL songs. I highly recommend playing these and encouraging children to point to words as they sing (for tracking reasons and also so you know they're reading). This has been a great way to promote reading in my classroom.
4. Common Core First Grade Math "Extras." If I ever upload a song along with a mini-packet, I will add it to this set. Currently, there are three mini-files for "A Fraction Is a Part of a Whole," "Telling Time," and "Miss Mary Mack."
5. Access to all videos from one convenient page on this site! In order access videos,
For more samples, click on the links below:
Making 11-20 Kindergarten and 1st Grade Number Sense VideoTelling Time to the Hour and Half Hour
Greater Than/Less Than Video With the Pizza-Eating Alligator
Miss Mary Mack: 1st Grade-Level Addition Within 20 Word Problems
These are all song titles with Common Core 1st grade standards correlations:
1. Miss Mary Mack, Quack, Quack (1.OA.A.1, 1.OA.C.6)
2. 20 Monkeys (1.OA.A.1, 1.OA.C.6)
3. Count to 120 (1.NBT.A.1)
4. Counting On (1.OA.C.5, 1.OA.C.6)
5. Add It On (1.OA.C.5, 1.OA.C.6)
6. Switcheroo (1.OA.B.3, 1.OA.C.6)
7. Double It Up (1.OA.C.6)
8. Double Time (1.OA.C.6)
9. Using Doubles (1.OA.C.6)
10. Know Those 10's (1.OA.B.3, 1.OA.C.6)
11. Using 10's (1.OA.B.3, 1.OA.C.6)
12. Making 11-20 (1.NBT.B.2)
13. Making 21-30 (1.NBT.B.2)
14. Add 3 Sets of Monkeys (1.OA.A.2, 1.OA.C.6)
15. Add 3 Numbers: Strategies (1.OA.A.2, 1.OA.C.6)
16. Subtract With an Addition Fact (1.OA.B.4, 1.OA.C.6)
17. Counting Back (1.OA.C.6)
18. Count Back to Subtract (1.OA.C.6)
19. Subtract to Make 10 (1.OA.C.6)
20. Using 10's With Subtraction (1.OA.C.6)
21. The Pizza-Eating Alligator
22. Alligator Greater Than/Less Than (1.NBT.B.3)
23. Equals Means “The Same As” (1.OA.D.7)
24. Mystery Numbers (1.OA.A.1, 1.OA.D.8)
25. Count by 10's Forward (1.NBT.C.4, 1.NTB.C.5)
26. Count by 10's Backward (1.NBT.C.5, 1.NBT.C.6)
27. Alligator 1 More (1.OA.C.6)
28. Alligator 10 More (1.NBT.C.5)
29. Alligator 1 Less (1.OA.C.6)
30. Alligator 10 Less (1.NBT.C.5, 1.NBT.C.6)
31. Comparisons (1.MD.A.1)
32. Categories (1.MD.C.4)
33. Telling Time (1.MD.B.3)
34. Paperclip Measurements (Use this to support 1.MD.A.2)
35. Attributes of Shapes (1.G.A.1)
36. Create Shapes (1.G.A.2)
37. A Fraction Is a Part of a Whole (1.G.A.3)
38. Alligator Fractions (1.G.A.3)
You will get:
1. A pdf file containing lyrics to all songs. I recommend printing packets for your class and sometimes encouraging children to read instead of watching videos. Children can also read lyrics whole-class, in small groups, with partners, and independently.
2. Vimeo Links: Click on titles in the Table of Contents or on lyric pages to access Vimeo sites. From Vimeo, you'll be able to stream AND download all videos (for classroom use only).
3. Mp3 music only versions of ALL songs. I highly recommend playing these and encouraging children to point to words as they sing (for tracking reasons and also so you know they're reading). This has been a great way to promote reading in my classroom.
4. Common Core First Grade Math "Extras." If I ever upload a song along with a mini-packet, I will add it to this set. Currently, there are three mini-files for "A Fraction Is a Part of a Whole," "Telling Time," and "Miss Mary Mack."
5. Access to all videos from one convenient page on this site! In order access videos,
- Please purchase the product and take note of your order number.
- E-mail me at [email protected] with your order number. Please also write: "I certify that I will only use each Common Core First Grade Math license purchased in one classroom or home. If other teachers or parents ask, I will let them know that they are required to purchase a license."
For more samples, click on the links below:
Making 11-20 Kindergarten and 1st Grade Number Sense VideoTelling Time to the Hour and Half Hour
Greater Than/Less Than Video With the Pizza-Eating Alligator
Miss Mary Mack: 1st Grade-Level Addition Within 20 Word Problems
These are all song titles with Common Core 1st grade standards correlations:
1. Miss Mary Mack, Quack, Quack (1.OA.A.1, 1.OA.C.6)
2. 20 Monkeys (1.OA.A.1, 1.OA.C.6)
3. Count to 120 (1.NBT.A.1)
4. Counting On (1.OA.C.5, 1.OA.C.6)
5. Add It On (1.OA.C.5, 1.OA.C.6)
6. Switcheroo (1.OA.B.3, 1.OA.C.6)
7. Double It Up (1.OA.C.6)
8. Double Time (1.OA.C.6)
9. Using Doubles (1.OA.C.6)
10. Know Those 10's (1.OA.B.3, 1.OA.C.6)
11. Using 10's (1.OA.B.3, 1.OA.C.6)
12. Making 11-20 (1.NBT.B.2)
13. Making 21-30 (1.NBT.B.2)
14. Add 3 Sets of Monkeys (1.OA.A.2, 1.OA.C.6)
15. Add 3 Numbers: Strategies (1.OA.A.2, 1.OA.C.6)
16. Subtract With an Addition Fact (1.OA.B.4, 1.OA.C.6)
17. Counting Back (1.OA.C.6)
18. Count Back to Subtract (1.OA.C.6)
19. Subtract to Make 10 (1.OA.C.6)
20. Using 10's With Subtraction (1.OA.C.6)
21. The Pizza-Eating Alligator
22. Alligator Greater Than/Less Than (1.NBT.B.3)
23. Equals Means “The Same As” (1.OA.D.7)
24. Mystery Numbers (1.OA.A.1, 1.OA.D.8)
25. Count by 10's Forward (1.NBT.C.4, 1.NTB.C.5)
26. Count by 10's Backward (1.NBT.C.5, 1.NBT.C.6)
27. Alligator 1 More (1.OA.C.6)
28. Alligator 10 More (1.NBT.C.5)
29. Alligator 1 Less (1.OA.C.6)
30. Alligator 10 Less (1.NBT.C.5, 1.NBT.C.6)
31. Comparisons (1.MD.A.1)
32. Categories (1.MD.C.4)
33. Telling Time (1.MD.B.3)
34. Paperclip Measurements (Use this to support 1.MD.A.2)
35. Attributes of Shapes (1.G.A.1)
36. Create Shapes (1.G.A.2)
37. A Fraction Is a Part of a Whole (1.G.A.3)
38. Alligator Fractions (1.G.A.3)