Early Phonics Curriculum | Systematic Program | 42 Videos | ABC Packet
This Early Phonics Systematic Instruction Curriculum is research-based and supports Science of Reading principles. You can use it as a stand-alone curriculum or in conjunction with other materials.
In the Video file, you'll get 42 commercial-free videos that teach letter sounds, blending, segmenting, and more.
You'll also get an "Alphabet Essentials" 200-page packet that includes wall cards, centers, mini-books, circle charts, and more.
The systematic program is HUGE and aligns with both of these components. Children start by learning letter sounds. They blend sounds to make words starting with the second sound they learn. Then, they use those words to make sentences. They also learn "heart words" that don't follow phonics patterns that they have learned yet. After learning to blend just six sounds and learning the heart words "a" and "the," they are ready for Story 1: The Cap." By the time they get to story 12, they have learned to blend all 26 basic letters and sounds.
You'll get a 150-page "Printables" file that includes all 12 stories, letter pages, word pages, and comprehension pages. You'll have the option to print stories as one page black and white versions, or as extended versions in full-color. (You can also choose to print multiple pages per printed page or in gray-scale.)
In addition, you'll get a 400+ page Powerpoint that systematically takes children through letters, sounds, real words, nonsense words, "heart words," and stories--along with quick instructions for incorporating songs, phonemic awareness activities, and writing activities into each slide.
Finally, you'll also get a 30-page Differentiation Guide that includes an assessment, additional phonemic awareness instructions, a detailed typed version of the material in the Powerpoint, writing suggestions, and suggestions for incorporating structured inquiry to accelerate learning in your classroom.
Your students will move through this at different paces depending on their levels. Students who can already blend CVC words can start with stories and comprehension exercises. Others may be able to move through the Powerpoint doing a letter a day, and others will need additional time. Note that I've included phonemic awareness and writing suggestions that can be used in conjunction with all Powerpoint slides. I have not included word-by-word, day-by-day instructions. The idea is that if you read the "quick tips," you can easily understand how to differentiate to meet all your students' needs.
Scope and Sequence:
- Letter T
- Letter A
- Heart Word: “A”
- Letter D
- Letter H
- Letter C
- Heart Word: “The”
- Letter P
- Story 1: “The Cap” (Focus: “Short A” Words)
- Letter R
- Letter N
- Story 2: “The Nap” (Focus: “Short A” Words)
- Letter S
- Heart Word: “To”
- Letter J
- Story 3: “The Hat” (Focus: “Short A” Words)
- Heart Word: “On”
- Letter M
- Heart Word: “Is”
- Heart Word: “His”
- Letter L
- Letter G
- Letter F
- Letter V
- Story 4: ”Pat and Sam” (Focus: “Short A” Words) ..........p. 164
26. Letter E
27. Letter W
28. Story 5: “Jen the Hen”
29. Letter Y
30. Letter Z
31. Story 6: Get the Jet
32. Letter I
33. Letter B
34. Letter X
35. Story 7: Zig the Pig
36. Heart Word: “Ball”
37. Heart Word: “They”
38. Story 8: “Jill and Bill”
39. Letter O
40. Heart Word: “Was”
41. Letter K
42. Heart Word: “Sick”
43. Story 9: “Mom Was Ill”
44. Heart Word: “Are”
45. Heart Word: “Pals”
46. Story 10: “Tom and Pat”
47. Letter U
48. Story 11: “Sug the Pup”
49. Heart Word: “Said”
50. Heart Word: “From”
51. Heart Word: “Give”
52. Letter Q
53. Story 12: “Pug the Bug”
***Simple titles tell you exactly what you'll be teaching about:
1. Want to Read
2. Comprehension
3. Use the Question in the Answer
4. ABC Practice
5. ABC Fun
6. Letter Sounds
7. Letter Quiz
8. Sound Quiz
9. I Know Words: Beginning Sounds
10. I Know Words: Ending Sounds
11. Let's Blend Sounds
12. Break Down the Sounds
13. Change the Sounds
14. If You Can Read
15. Clap with the Syllables
16. The
17. A
18. I
19. Th
20. S Says /z/
21. You
22. To
23. Of
24. Was
25. Never End a Word with V
26. Or and For
27. On
28. Are
29. From
Songs 30-50: Selected Karaoke Versions